I am gonna show you about the most powerful and sophisticated Server Computer in the world. They have great ultimate speed and performance. They can be called King of Computers. Server Computer didn't use as personal, usually. They used to research or for some company that needs server and technological development.

Now, let's see it !

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Made by the operator Cray Jaguar at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, located in Tennessee, USA. Jaguar had a peak performance of 1.7 petaflop / s. This super computer has 224 256 core AMD Opteron processor-based Linux x86.Sistem operation is dubbed as the Cray Linux Environment. 
With the amazing computational capabilities, Jaguar used to support research in many fields, from seismology, physics to astrophysics.

- Tianhie 1A
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This one is made ​​in China. As if not to be outdone by other countries, China also makes a super computer Tianhe 1.Perangkat the name was developed by the Chinese National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) and was first introduced in 2009. 

In October 2010, the upgrade to the name Tianhe 1A. Equipped with super specifications like 14,336 X5670 Xeon processors and 7,168 Nvidia Tesla M2050 GPUs, Tianhe 1A calculations can record speed of 2.6 petaflop / s


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With speeds of up to 3 petaflop for second, SuperMUC dsebut touted as the fastest computer in eropa.SuperMuc new super computer is the nickname of the German Leibniz-Rechenzentrum developed in the city of Munich. Like the other super computer, sole purpose is to hold a wide variety of scientific research. 

SuperMuc system will use 18,432 Intel Xeon Sandy Bridge-EP and running on IBM System x iDataPlex servers. This super computer also uses the latest cooling technology at IBM called Aquasar that uses hot water to cool the processor.


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Company IT giant IBM is keen to develop a super computer once called Blue Gene.Salah a version named Mira, who entered the family of Blue Gene / Q is designed has greater performance than the previous version of Blue Gene. 

This super computer is placed in the National Labroratory in Illinois, United States to perform various functions. Its speed can reach about 8 petaflop for second.

-K Computer 

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K Computer is made ​​in Japan was able to record the speed of calculation reaches 10.51 petaflop / s. K Computer is a supercomputer built by Fujitsu technology. 

The device is placed at the RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science, Kobe, Japan was equipped with more than 80 thousand units each CPU that is reinforced with 8 cores. Japan itself has had some super computer.


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